Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Courage, Stupidity or a Remarkable Example of Discipline

It's silly I know, but it does make a point, life is how you see it... So how do you see it? Courage? Stupidity? Or a remarkable example of discipline?


_ said...

I say the cat lost its nerve and veered off into the puddle.

_ said...

Actually, I think the cat has correctly judged the character of the last dog on the right. Check Butch! He's ready to make his move.

_ said...

I think questions like this are far easier to answer with hind-sight. Perhaps a mark of greatness is making the right call before you can really know the result.

Courage can appear stupid, and stupidity can look like courage - depending on the outcome.

Can we please see the photo taken three seconds after this one?

Anonymous said...

I think the cat caused the puddle...

Lord Nazh said...


Colin Campbell said...

Yes you could do it as a teaching exercise with two or three outcomes, some obviously not too good. No humans were harmed in the filming of this animal attack..... may be required. Optimistic people would of course predict a serene passing of the cat. More pessimistic a blood bath.