Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Killer Vitamins

I've said before, I choose health studies like I choose my shoes. They've got to support what I wanted to do anyway, and cost me next to nothing.

So I'm delighted to report the latest study showing that vitamin supplements shorten life!

Now I can stay out of those damned health food shops where the staff always look so acned and emaciated that I'm hoping they didn't handle my £10 jar of echinacea (or some shit that some kook said would fix some ill I didn't know I had).


Crushed said...

I always take the view that the key to a long life is being happy. If you're happy, you live longer.
Eating rabbit food and going jogging would make me miserable and the misery would counteract any perceived heaith benefits.
Fry ups, football and Beer make me happy, and the happiness counteracts the cholerterol.
Happiness is by definition, it's own reward.

Anonymous said...

...but it's good for you... you must follow the herd...

why think for yourself when others can do that for you? That's just soooo inefficient...

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Looks like you've fallen for the pharma companies agenda. Vitamins do work and work well.